Locating and Involving Noncustodial/Absent Parents 607-05-35-50-15

(New 12/1/20 ML 3601)

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Diligent efforts to search for noncustodial/absent parents should be ongoing as they have the potential to be a valuable resource throughout the child’s life. Parents have specific rights regarding their children that must be protected when the agency intervenes.


For cases that are court involved, for cases open for a longer period of time due to ongoing safety concerns, or for cases in which custodial/present parents are not successfully addressing the concerns, the case manager must make concerted efforts to contact and inform noncustodial/absent parents about the status of the child and engage them in meeting the needs of the child. It is expected the case manager make both continuous and diligent efforts to locate and engage the noncustodial/absent parent in the case planning process when:

In situations where a custodial/present parent refuses to allow the case manager to contact a noncustodial/absent parent, the agency is expected to include the noncustodial/absent parent only if: